My Beloved Orbea Dakar 2010... 2500 km old :) |
Well... I always get this question: "I wanna buy a bicycle, what should i do". Biking is not that common in Egypt among adults, but sure it's booming. That's why i decided to write this note, to save myself time and help promote the idea ;)
I'm not sure about your budget, but i can give the basics and leave you to decide.
- Prices: good bikes can start from from 1500LE all the way to 8000.
- Types:basically, there are four types of bikes, Mountain, Race, City, and Hybrid.A mountain bike is for mountains, a race is for race, a City is for city, and hybrid is for both. easy.. right? :)- A mountain is more durable, can resist wild terrains, have front only or front and rear suspension, have wider tyres which means more greb of the terrin.
Mountain Bike |
- - A race is the one with ultra light/slim body, ultra thin rim and tyres. that means light weight and less resistance to the road, in common language, more speed. However, you'll feel every tiny winy pump or stone on the road in your mmm.... body!
- City bike is ,as the name emplies, for paved roads of a city. It's the one in between race and mountain, it's lighter than mountain, with no suspension and don't have the same straight handlebar like that of mountains'. It has stronger rim/body, and wider tyres than race. That means it's faster than mountain, stronger than race.
- A hybrid is something even more in between mountain and city. However, i can't find a clear definition for it. they have the same straight handlebar of mountain, and might have front suspension, but with tyres as thin as the roads'.
Sure you don't care for such theories... let's get practical :DIn Egypt, you have 3 kind of common activities, offroading at Wadi Degla, commuting in the city, and travelling.If you'll go off roading get a mountain, if you'll go commuting get a city, if you'll go travelling get a race! simple one.. huhIf you are not sure exactly what you'll be doing, or will be doing a mix of these, get a mountain.At least you can anytime change its tyres to more thin ones and get more speed, and change the tyres back when you'll go offroading. Anyways Cairo's roads are more like off roading.. right? :D
- Frames:The lighter the better, the acceptable quality at good prices will be made of aluminium alloy. some high end bikes are made of carbon, but i'm not sure if those are even available in Egypt :D
- Brakes:Two main types of brakes, rubber V brakes and disc brakes. V brakes are the old ones we had in our childhood bikes.
Disc brakes are like those of a car, a disc at the centre of the wheel, and pads holding the disc when breaks are applied. It's more reliable with muds. disc brakes can be triggered by wire or by oil (hydraulically)
- Suspension:Suspension makes a ride enjoyable, and is essential for offroading. a bike can have a front suspension (Hard tail bikes) or both fron and rear suspension (soft tail bikes) the front suspension is in the front fork, and the rear is usually beneath the seat.Suspension can be as simple as a spring piston, or can be oil piston (hydraulic), or air piston (pneumatic). This is the same order of prices and quality as well (cheaper to more expensive, and low quality to better quality)
The best type of suspensions are those that can be controlled on/off. Cause for some technical reasons, the suspension being on wastes some of your energy contracting and expanding the suspension.
Spring front suspension |
- Gear box:The most important part of a bike, the part that goes all round and round with gears shifting up and down all the way. This is the part that can make your ride enjoyable or you'll finish your ride with curses and frustration!The best brand of Gear boxes is Shimano, it's used in most of the bikes actually, even bikes that have their own brands are using Shimano. Enough for you to know that it's a Japanese company :). Shimano has a bunch of gear boxes' models, which i'm not an expert of, so you'll have to do your own research comparing the models on the internet.
- What are the available brands in egypt?The info i have is mainly about the mountain ones. and the info i'll introduce might be old, or might change anytime, but by now you should have the basics to do your own market research.I'll talk first about my own bike, The Orbea Dakar. Orbea is brand, and Dakar is the model. Orbea is spanish designer company, and chinease made bikes, although they say that starting 2011 models, they are spain made. http://www.orbrea.com/This brand, and specially this model is booming in Egypt. I'll just let you know that back in 2010, the first model Dakar 2010 was introduced to Egypt at a price of 1500 LE. Dakar 2012 is now around 2700! also there are a couple of other Orbea models that penetrated the market that are better and more expensive than Dakar. Dakar is considered a low end brand of Orbea.
Orbea Dakar 2012
Gitane: it's a french brand, more expensive than Orbea, i think it's starting from 4000 L.E.
Peugeot: they use to be heavier than Gitane and Orbea, but i'm not sure about the new models. price wise, they are in between Orbea and Gitane.However, i believe Orbea has more number of models in the market, they have a couple of race bikes as well, the cheapest is the Aqua (around 5000LE). And actually they have better support and spare parts' availability
- Where to buy?There are two main sellers in Egypt, Abo El Goukh (Yes, it is the same one you bought your first bike from ;) ) and
Besceletta. Abo El Gouhk is Orbea's official seller in Egypt. they have a lot of branches, the main branch that is the official seller is the one at Al Gomhorya st. near Ramsis,
to the right if you are coming from Ramsis Sq., they call it there "El Mo'assasa" and it's at a second floor, so u might not realize it from the first glimpse. They provide a quite good support for Orbea -compared to other sellers in Egypt who provide none- Another branch is the one directly in front of it, in a corridor off Gomhorya St. named "Goukho 2000" and the third is "Abo El Goukh Today" at Roshdy st. downtown. This one has even a couple of other brands, Tubro, Fomas. They look like they have good quality (light weight, shimano gearbox) and cheaper than Orbea, but less known brands in the Egyptian market, anyways, i bought my Orbea when it was just introduced to the market and nobody ever heard of it. But what i did is that i searched the internet, and found they have their name in the international market. Goukho 2000 has a brand called Xtasy. http://www.xtasybike.com/en/index.shtml. It's designed in Germany and is around 1900LE. But for sure you will need to consider the support and after sale services provided.
Besceletta http://bescletta.com is more into Peugeot and Gitane, and they have their maintenance center as well. Their main branch is at Al Khalifa Al Ma'mon St., Heliopolis, near Metro Market, and have another branch at Ahmed Oraby St., Mohandeseen, near Sphinx square
Thnx.. i might need to charge them for the advertisement :D
ReplyDeleteI've read your blog post, and I have some comments , First although I love the orbea dakar and I wish to get one, still the post is quite biased towards it
ReplyDeletesecond: there are some problems with the disc brake especially that we don't have the proper spare parts for it especially the Pads that will certainly need to be changed frequently and when it wore out the bike tends to be unstable during braking process.
third: although front suspension is good, however, it's effect isn't noticeable beside the full suspension, considering the fact that the rear suspension is the one diverting impacts from your back and helps you jump on/from side walks, speed pumps, manholes.....etc
Thanks Mohamed for your comments, actually this is based on my own experience, and you are right.. i'm biased to the orbea since i think it's the best value for money in the market now.
DeleteI don't know about the disc brakes per se, but for example when i had to change my rim, i found the original one. Also i had once to do some maintenance for the gear box after a small accident in Wadi Degla, and their maintenance was just perfect, and they even refused to receive maintenance fees coz they felt responsible for the brand as they said.
The only bad experience i had was when i lost a small plastic part that holds the rear brake's cable to the frame's horizontal tube, they didn't have that part, but they figured out something similar to this part (something like a hollowed nail) and it worked just perfect.
I also stated that they have a good support "compared" to other brands, but that don't mean they are perfect.
About the suspension part, yes sure... having a soft tail bike is much comfortable, given that they are configurable and can be locked/unlocked. However, I don't consider rear suspension as a very important option for a beginner who isn't very sure he'll need to spend a few thousand pounds for a bike.
awesome article, this what i was searching about !
ReplyDeletesome one that has the ablity to explain to another one that do not know anything about bikes in simple words & recommendations
thanks alot =)
i what to ask about hybrid is it less in price than mountain ? & if u can recommend one for me ( i need bicycle for daily use "more than 20 km" but with reasonable price & good quality) ?
Thanks Ahmed for your nice words... and sorry for the late reply. It looks like I'm not getting any e-mail notifications from the blog
DeleteActually i don't see lots of hybrid bikes in Egypt, but it have been a while since i checked the market.
Price depends mainly on the brand and the components, but I think that it'll be in the same range of mountain bikes.
I think a hard tail mountain bike will do the job, especially if the front suspension can be controlled on/off.
Also, you can change it's tires to thinner one anytime you like.
Also, you can add useful accessories like mudguards, rear rack and panniers. I use my mountain bike (first picture above) for commuting (25 kms one way) to work, but only once or twice a week :)
Another point is that I personally think that mountain bikes are more suitable to Egypt's road.. I think you can relate :D
Deleteمعلومات جميلة ورائعة ...
ReplyDeleteانا هحتاجها كل يوم في حدود محطتين ونص رايح ..وجي
والOrbea Dakar قريبة من البادجت اللي معاي
هل فيه منها نوع معين city
ولا كلهم شبه بعض
الأنواع اللي بتنزل مصر من Orbea مافيهاش City
Deleteدايماً بينزلوا Mountain و Road بس
Thanks alot Mr.Adham, it really helped me a lot.
ReplyDeleteأنا عاوز أشترى Road Bike أو Race Bike
ReplyDeleteعشان الHandle Bars.... Give several Positions for handling
, و كمان عاوز أمشى بيها مسافات كبيرة....أروح بيها الشغل
بس المسافة كبيرة شوية...30 كم رايح و 30 كم جاى....فهل ينفع أبدأ على طول ولا عاوزة تمرين شوية؟؟؟؟
و كمان أنا وزنى ثقيل شوية...يعنى 100 كج
فهل النوع دة من الدراجات دة مناسب معايا ولا أشترى
Mountain Bike???
انا باروح بيها الشغل حوالي 25كم رايح.. بس طبعاً مش كل يوم :D
Deleteهاتعوز تمرين على حسب مستواك و لياقتك دلوقتي... ابدأ كده في يوم اجازة مثلاً و جرب اعمل 20كم مثلاً و شوف مستواك عامل ازاي
الوزن مش مشكلة مع الroad bike انت بس خد بالك من المطبات و الحفر في الشارع لأن الMountain Bike بتستحمل اكتر كتير
أنا ساكن فى العجوزة و شغلى فى القطامية....طريق العين السخنة - القاهرة الجديد
ReplyDeleteالف شكر يا أدهم.....
ReplyDelete.طيب ممكن تقوللى على أحسن مكان أشترى منه
Road Bikes
بس بأسعار معقولة..
يعنى فى حدود 3000 جنيه كدة مثلا.....
3000 قليل شوية على Road Bike
Deleteالصراحة ماعرفش حد ممكن يكون عنده الأسعار دي
ألف شكر يا أدهم و أنا آسف على أى الإزعاج.......
ReplyDeleteThank you for this article Adham.
ReplyDeleteI'm from Alexandria, but I'll probably go to Cairo to get/order a bike from either Abo El-Goukh, Bescletta or 3agalty (which you haven't mentioned). Check their website/facebook page.
By default I'm thinking MTB but when I talked with some GBI-ans, racing bikes was all they talked about haha...Hybrid if I pressured them XD...Confusing! :D
Thank you for this article, enjoy riding & stay safe!
Thanks Hatem
DeleteActually I never heard about 3agalty. I'll check them.
I'm a GBIan myself, and sure road bikes are the best for GBI activities since they are all long distance biking on paved roads. However, I have an MTB myself (the one at the top of this page) and it just turned 4000km yesterday :).
There's not definite answer for the MTB/Road dilemma. It all depends on how confident you are about the way you are gonna use your bike. If you are sure you'll use it only for long distance, then go for road. If you wanna mix between long distance/commuting/Mountain biking then go for MTB. If you aren't sure yet then still go for MTB; they are cheaper and can be used for all biking activities and still not so heavy for trips, then you can be more specific with your next upgrade.
Commuting is easier with MTB because the roads are full of bumps and you'll need to step over pavements frequently.
MTB is booming in Cairo, at Wadi Degla protectorate, so you might want to consider it if you are adventures enough :)
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ReplyDeleteGreat post! I found it very useful. Love the final result. Thanks for the inspiration and the tips. Road bike
ReplyDeleteGood summary Adham. :)
ReplyDeletePlease continue this great work and I look forward to more of your awesome blog posts. brake repair brandon fl
ReplyDeleteGood article with helpful information. Many thanks Adham.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure whether mountain or hybrid. I'll use it going to work about 15 km.and what is the price range for both?